
Lawro has lost the plot yet again


MarkLawrenson1BBC Pundit  Mark Lawrenson has started the new year as he finished the old one by predicting a West Ham defeat against Wolves in the FA Cup.

Lawro wrote in his BBC column “I also have a feeling that West Ham might slip up against Wolves, who were struggling until recently but have won three in a row since Christmas.”

Lawrenson has predicted 13 Premier League losses for West Ham in his column this season and just two wins.

West Ham’s official twitter were quick to reply last night saying “LAWRO: We are sure you are all as surprised as we were that Lawro has predicted West Ham will lose on Saturday!”

This morning David Gold added his comments on the subject by adding “I’m not a fan of Mark Lawrenson and I’m please that Alan Hanson has retired. (dinosaurs) can’t forgive for his pompous comments on MOTD. dg”

At the beginning of the season Lawro wrote “West Ham are going to finish down towards the bottom of the league, they’re not a particularly good team”  

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • Tony gore says:

    What do you?? Lost it he never had it.

  • Tony gore says:

    Don’t predict too much?? It’s a funny old game.

  • Ohiord says:

    I’m not sure wether to categorise Lawrensons predictions as fiction, satire, gonzo journalism or literary puke. Perhaps it’s some of each.

  • BrookingtoDevonshire says:

    The most laughable part about all this he still has Liverpool unbeaten despite looking poor in several games and having Rodgers has manager in his final days shambles.

  • bubs says:

    Sad man how did his prediction go last night with his beloved Liverpoor
    If you did your job as bad as he does his you would be sacked,
    I waited last week to watch MOTD thinking like a fool being the early game and playing the beloved Liverpoor we would be first on,NO
    So with the late game first we must be second ,NO behind the bottom 2
    We’re we third NO
    It sickens me that the BBC are obviously bias who plays and how much time they get,
    I agree with most the best way of beating the no nothing’s is to carry on winning

  • kevin says:

    So far it’s Lawenson 0 2 West Ham . Today will make it 0 3 .
    No wonder he is not on the Sky Sports Gillette panel . At least those four ( five if you include stelling ) make well informed and thought predictions . Not always right , but certainly more realistic .
    West Ham 3 1 Wolves .

  • billyfury says:

    I have said this a couple of times before whatever mark lawrenson says have a bet on the opposite its been good to me this year . But he is so biased !!!!!!

  • mooro66uk says:

    Absolutely right essex the man is a joke. If my license money has to be spent on a man that makes me laugh get MR Bean,

  • essexclarets says:

    Last time i looked at this idiots predictor league table he has only managed to get two clubs position correct & one of them is Villa. That gives him a 90% negative success rate. He has us down for 11points. That shows there is no point taking a blind bit of notice of him.

  • Centaur2398 says:

    Lawton Always been a Westham Hater no surprise he thinks we will loose.
    Sadly We pay his wages an he can’t even get a higher Score on his predictor Game than me what a looser.
    Why don’t the BBC replace him with Ex or Tony Cottee

    lol COYI

    Let’s hope for a cup run in 16

  • PennsylvaniaHammer says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is Sean and Hugh’s weekly wind-up post. Look at the number of reactions a post like this gets (mine incuded!).

    Lawrenson is doing the same as Keys; looking for reaction and therefore coverage. He can’t lose. If we win it’s no big surprise. If we lose, he looks like a genius.

    Sean / Hugh, please stop giving this cretin the coverage he so very much doesn’t deserve.

  • cas_blue says:

    I saw Wolves play Charlton over Christmas and they were really really poor. I remember thinking that we should easily turn this lot over even if we field a weaker team.

  • West Ham Fan No 32 says:

    The lucky omen strikes again, I only worry when he tips us to win !

  • johnboy says:

    You just have to listen to the noise of silence concerning west ham on M.O.T.D .
    Its deafening !!
    Slav has kicked them all where it hurts ! Made them look like fools !!
    They got exactly what they wished for only in reverse !
    Its hurting big time. !
    Sour puss has an even bigger chip now that we did the double over them but refuses to believe that Liverpool are a side that is not a dominant force , like all scousers they are
    Living on past Glory’s !
    Sad but that’s ignorance at it ugly best !!
    Sad sad little man with the brain of a adolescent in severe decline !!
    Time to ignore the **** and not give him hits !!!
    Sad just like his mates on M.O.T.D .
    Danny Murphy not included and a couple others ,
    You know the ****s in on about .

  • webmeister says:

    Suits me if Lawrenson keeps predicting we’ll lose. Every time he does it we seem to win, so keep it up mate! What annoys me more is that the BBC is paying my licence fee to clueless idiots like him, though. My cat could do what he does.

  • rickthehammer63 says:

    I hope that Exeter turn over the crap from Merseyside tonight as that would be funny & take that smug grin off he’s smug ugly mug. as for us tomorrow I’d like us to progress as far as we can & a visit to Wembley in May would round off a great season so far COYI

  • kevin says:

    Really don’t give a blind bit of notice to pundits ,, especially that big mouth , Lawrenson .
    He has got a chip on his shoulder ( why , is a mystery ) against West Ham .
    The only pundit I am prepared to even listen to is : Paul Merson .
    West Ham is a club which suffered the Euopean ban after we finished 3rd in the First Division ( a ban which was totally unjustified ) and we should have been playing In Champions League ( European Cup ) from way back to 1986 / 87 . That ban meant no growth or advancement for a small club from East London . And , we all know which club was to blame .. But , let’s all keep quite about it .
    Then , of course it was all down to starting afresh whilst other European clubs had a free run on Europe with no English clubs to compete against for 5 yrs .
    Now , we are back ,, and West Ham will make their mark .
    The Premiership was born to combat the injustice of Europe .

    • essexclarets says:

      The european ban wasn’t just because of one incident, So called West Ham supporters who followed the club around europe in 81 played their part. The ‘ghost’ match that was played out behind closed doors was because of the shameful behaviour of our supporters in Madrid.

      • johnboy says:

        Blame ?
        I was there and I can tell you we were provoked by the old bill who were backing the Spanish thugs ,!!
        So we defended ourselves ,
        They just didn’t realise who they were provoking ! ( wrong choice of supporters )
        Look no further than the Italians old bill who attacked everyone and sundry who
        Were English !
        They knew this was a British weakness which is why they provoked !!
        Look at Liverpool and the Italians !!
        The Italians started trouble and look where that led !!
        It was used as an excuse to ban English dominance in Europe ?

  • jetshammer says:

    I don’t think Wolves will be seeing this as a cup final, as progress potentially yields another big team. However, they will give a go but according to reports on here Super Slav is taking the cup seriously, which I hope translates as a full strength team.

    As for Lawrenson. He p!sses me off with his prejudiced comments he bases his predictions on rather than facts, he clearly doesn’t like us for some reason… maybe he was at the Wembley Cup final when we did Preston NE in ’64 and he’s bitter about it… I just don’t care about him or his opinions. I wish the BBC didn’t waste our enforced licence fee on the ****, but then they waste it on Eastenders too so… He can’t keep predicting defeats as long as we keep winning.

    One day he may see the light.

  • petebonds says:

    As much as i think “Lawro” is a complete dimwit , lets wait and see what team we put out .We played a team in Euro qualifiers that was supposed to be “just ” strong enough to get through and came up short . If we do so again in the FA Cup we might slip up again . Lets hope we give it a real go this year . Even strong Premier League sides have struggled against lower division opponents recently , look at Oldham last year against Liverpool .
    This will be Wolves “Cup Final” against us and they wont need much motivating . Please Slaven give us a cup run this year . COYI.

  • hammersfan01 says:

    It’s clear that in certain cases (Leicester and Watford being the other ones I can see), he is not basing his predictions on form, but simply on his own narrow prejudices. You can understand why, at the start of the season, he might have thought that the three of us may struggle. But you wouldn’t keep going on predicting defeat after defeat unless you had a beef. A racing tipster would be laughed off the course if he continually predicted the same horse that had won its last five races would not even place. Why do the BBC continue to place such store in such a man?

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