Let’s be frank about this …the whole Ravel Morrison Affair is leaving a rather nasty taste in the mouths of most.
There may be many different reasons for that – some will be blaming the player, some the manager, and others the owners.
I prefer not to blame anybody at the moment because whilst plenty of rumours are flying around hard facts are thin on the ground.
So instead of getting into the “who’s to blame” game I would prefer to ask what I consider the most significant question of all.
When was the last time a player moved permanently or on loan whilst claiming an injury which didn’t allow him to play for the club paying his wages but presumably will for the one he’s joining?
And if indeed he is suffering a groin problem , why would West Ham let him go and risk aggravating it – after all he’s still a valuable asset!
There’s something up here and there really are plenty of questions to which as fans we need answers.
Sam Allardyce claims the medics can find no problem with Rav’s groin, the player claims the opposite and seems happy to go launch himself onto the tender mercies of Harry Redknapp – T’rrific eh?
I will be very interested indeed to see whether he’s in the team for the QPR match at Charlton next weekend and Sheffield Wednesday the following weekend.
Indeed if he plays in most of the Rangers games whilst on loan we will all realise that at best the injury which kept him out of the Hammers team must have been very minor indeed if you get my drift.
The next few weeks are going to be very illuminating but the whole situation really feels extremely distasteful.