West Ham fan, Bobby Guy has penned a piece of poetry ahead of West Ham’s quarter final’s against Manchester United.
Once more into the breach dear friends, once more
We block the M1 with our coaches and roaring motors
In this league there is nothing that so becomes a man than a rousing trip to the northern wastelands
But when the call of the FA Cup resounds in our ears, then be like lions
Flex the muscles, boil the blood, disguise your game face with grim-faced rage
Give your eyes a terrifying look, let them protrude from your skull like brass cannons
Now grit your teeth and flare your nostrils, strain every sinew to its limit
Onwards north you noble Irons sprung from fathers proven on the terraces
From the streets of Plaistow, from the fields of Essex
Prove now that those fathers did indeed beget you
Be examples now to men with less desire and show them how to fight a war
And you, from further reaches of Essex who’s limbs were made in England
Show us here what rural men are made of
Let us see that you are worthy to stand shoulder to shoulder with true grit
Which I have no doubt about
I see you descending into Old Trafford, the pit of hell, the so called Theatre of Dreams
Let ours be THEIR nightmare
straining for the start
The game’s afoot
Follow your heart
And upon this charge, cry
“God for Slaven, West Ham and Saint Payet!”
As a young hammers fan growing up in Kent I used to hate the feeling of being excluded because I didn’t live in the east end or Essex. I still feel the same however now I live in Essex funnily enough.
Read it yesterday and it’s very good,
Maybe the boys could turn it to music in there kitchen