
How Slav embraces the spirit of our founder


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Hugh Southon is a lifelong Iron and the founding editor of ClaretandHugh. He is a national newspaper journalist of many years experience and was Bobby Moore's 'ghost' writer during the great man's lifetime. He describes ClaretandHugh as "the Hammers daily newspaper!"

Follow on Twitter @hughsouthon


  • Alan 'appy 'ammer says:

    Well its ok to go there if you want to learn a new word that no f*cker has ever heared of or used before,ha ha lol.But yes you are correct,some good fans on there,i just dont like people who intentionally use big words knowing others dont understand them,ha ha.Just showing off in my book,lol

  • bubs says:

    Don’t go there anymore because it’s boring and a lot of them have not moved on which is a shame because they are Hammer Fans,
    There are some very knowledgeable people that use that site and this but in the end they give up because of the Bullchite,
    Don’t like all these pundits making today’s game a draw because I prefer them going against us

  • Alan 'appy 'ammer says:

    Thanks Scott,infornative stuff about Arnold Hills views in the way we should have played.
    He probably was educated Bubs,if he was still alive he would probably understand what some of the people write on Wetpants.I think they stick a dictionary on their laps & have a Word Off.But bull**** baffles brains in the end,ha ha lol

  • bubs says:

    Funny how Mr Arnold Hills understood the Westham Way all those years ago yet all these pundits can’t get it now
    Mr Hills is probably a educated man that’s the DIffrence,
    A good piece and yes Slav does understand that as fans we are the heart beat of the club and money is not everything,
    Role on tomorrow and I guarantee Klopp does not play his youngsters but they would be harder to beat thank Christ his defenders are fit that’s a bonus for us,

  • mooro66uk says:

    Absolutely spot on Hugh lets put out our best side. even if we don`t go on to win it , what a great way to revenge 52 years of hurt. trio of wins against them.

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