Former Hammers manager Lou Macari questioned Sam Allardyce’s excuse for the FA Cup exit yesterday via twitter “Big Sam says fixture list and early kick off lost them the game v WBA, Whats that all about?”
Claret and Hugh’s own Nigel Kahn replied to Macari stating “It’s called deflecting criticism, To be honest Sam is raising you in the list of West Ham managers. You are not in bottom 3 now”
Lou Macari replied to Nigel saying “Apologize for not doing better, did sign Ludo Miklosko, Ian Bishop and Trevor Morley for £800,000 pounds and sold Mark Ward £750,000”
Lou Macari was West Ham manager between 1989 and 1990 managing just 38 games with 14 wins, 12 draws and 12 losses. His win rate was 36.85%.
But he has apologised has BFS ?
Did Macari apologise to all the WHU fans that went to Oldham and saw their team crushed and humiliated 6 – 0 by a team in the old 2nd division. Macari never had a clue what to do!!!!!
He must be anti SAM as we are told every one is if you criticise him, there will always for and against that’s life,
The problem is not tha fact that we loose it’s the way we loose and the way we go about changing it,
We had a system that was working for us and was not busted and BFS CHANGED IT TO TRY AND PROVE HE WAS RIGHT.
Now he knows he was wrong and the main thing in life is being able to put your hand up say I was wrong and changing it,
But the big man is not so big and won’t do that,I think we will have to sit and watch and wait till May,
I for one have faith in the 2 Daves and wifi give them the chance to make the right decision
Love it.Nice to see even ex managers are questioning Sams ridiculous excuses.He didnt want to deflect attention away from the team.It was himself he cared about & only himself.Deflecting attention away from his own inadequacies.