
CandH Exclusive: Sam does a double-quick runner


youaretehrefSam Allardyce – a member of panel at the ‘You Are the Ref’ event last night – did a runner at the end of a discussion on modern day refereeing.

He was joined by former ref Keith Hackett, Guillem Balague,  Mark Halsey plus a burly ‘minder’ at Riley’s Sports Bar in London and made a rapid departure at the end.

Sam had called for a 10 minute sin bin experiment for ‘soft’ yellow cards and a possible tennis type challenge system where manager could contest up to two referee decisions per match during the discussion itself.

The event’s audience were largely Hammers fans kitted out in claret and blue shirts although Sam was protected at the half time interval by a security guard to prevent any fans questions or annoyance.

And he was away on his heels the very second the recording ended giving no chance for the audience or fans to speak to him prompting one to Hammer fan to comment “Is there a fire drill?”

In one humorous moment of the Allardyce attempted to lead the audience in a chorus of Bubbles when drinking a cup of tea while the event was suffering from a series sound system failure.

Let’s hope that rendition makes the final cut on the You Are the Ref video when published at https://you-are-the-ref.com/

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called MooreThanJustaPodcast.co.uk. A Blogger on WestHamTillIdie.com a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at http://www.youtube.com/MrWestHamFootball,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • conkerpot says:

    So you were there at this referee event hoping for some scandal at the very least. Maybe a moment of controversy. At the very least something, anything you can use as a stick to beat big Sam with, but the best you could come up with was that he left once the event was over?

  • TysonM says:

    Good to see you havnt changed conker.Just come on here to tell Hugh everything he writes is ****.And you wonder why people give you some banter!

  • bubs says:

    Conker were you that minder ?
    HUGH was just commenting on the fact that once again some faithful fans turned up an event only to be ignored by BFS,let’s hope they did not pay as they do on match days when they are ignored and charged and not entertained,
    And as usual there was a failure which is normal,it’s normally Nolan or his tactics,
    That quite clever drinking singing and chewing gum?

  • conkerpot says:

    I think this post was actually by Sean whetstone of the excellent “moore than just a podcast” and westhamtilidie, bubs. So I can understand his presence at the event. As for Mr Nigel Kahn, a well known anti – Sam campaigner, I’m not so sure.

  • conkerpot says:

    Of course I forgot Mr khans views are aired occasionally on the podcast.

  • TysonM says:

    So conkerpot,if sean had said this on the podcast it would be fine because you consider it excellant.But as he wrote it on here he is being anti sam.You go round in circles chasing your own tail sometimes.You will end up confusing yourself soon with all your comments.So let me get this right
    1)Sean is anti Sam
    2)Hugh is anti Sam & only writes posts to run him down.
    3)Everything will coming crashing down if Sam leaves.
    4) Everyone else gets away with things said on here apart from you.
    5)The chairmen are clueless if they get rid of Sam
    6) You are actually a Spud coming to enhance Sams worth as a manager.
    Think that summarizes thing in a concise manner in the World Of Conkerpot 😀

  • conkerpot says:

    Tysonm You seem to enjoy attributing things to me that I never actually said. Twisting my words and taking them out of context. Anyone would think you had some sort of agenda.

  • Haha I am very publicly pro Sam as you would know for anyone who listens to the podcast regularly. I thought it was great he attempted to sing bubbles and can understand his reluctance to engage with some fans,.

  • conkerpot says:

    I do think you believe some of the things above though tysonm otherwise why would you have wrote them? Freudian slip was it?

  • conkerpot says:

    You see Sean? I even give you free plugs for “moore than just a podcast”. (Looking for a sponsor). Your show actually has a mixture of opinion and some balanced views as well as the more extreme end of things.

  • conkerpot says:

    That’s why I came back on this forum by the way. I thought it was important to try and provide a bit of balance to the opinions expressed herein.

  • bubs says:

    Conker that’s not balance the delusion, another typo we are being a bit adolescent,
    Try quoting something biblical that brings a bit of humor to the site but being bitter and twisted all the time,
    Just thank Sean and Hugh for giving you a forum to spend your waking hours by the way is your computer brail?

  • TysonM says:

    Thanks for coming back Conker.You just dont know how overjoyed we all are to know you are safe & well & not at the bottom of the sea just off sciliy 😉

  • bubs says:

    He only came back because he could not see the signs with those dodgy eyes Tyson,
    Can’t get free glasses in Italy without a permanent address caravan sites don’t count.

  • Every circus us has a Clown. Ours is Conker. Blame Hugh when it’s Sean and provide a service by aiming spiteful, incorrect and racist remarks at others in the name of balance on a forum set up by someone else to provide said SERVICE. If u can’t continue – as you suggest elsewhere – we understand. As for guns being pointed at your head I think you may have put it there yourself and have your own finger on the trigger. You alone have now forced me to draw up a short list of moderators. It may be easier to bin you than pay them so watch yourself

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