Join the lads for some biased half time analysis of the game away to Stoke.
Simply click on the video below 1 minute after the referee blows his whistle on 45 mins and hear some instant reaction from Hammers fans as we bid to secure European football.
Dont be silly Tyson. Pointing out areas where l think we could have done better and can improve isnt moaning, and doesnt make me a BFS lover which is the mistake some people here make. They seem to think anyone who says anything remotely critical of Slav must be longing for the return of BFS. What a joke!!!
And think about it seriously Ty, would any glory hound hang around this place.? You know you shouldnt allow your dislike of BFS (which l actually share) to get the better of you when it comes to any criticism of Bilic. And l thank you not to call me names just because l have a different point of view, l dont call you any.
See ya Jack,look after yourself.Take care mate 😉
God bless Gobby me ol mucker.Enjoy your summer.See you in August.
As I said before guys I have loved this season.Best one for decades.Fortunately we now have 3 months off from the ‘Always want more’ fans.Enjoy your summers lads.Time to sign off for a summer break 😉
Its nothing to do with burying heads Muck for f@cks sake.It’s to do with having a season which has been far better than last season but cocks like you still moaning about it.F@ck me go support Citeh or Manure if we ain’t good enough for you.Cpt Jack is right,some of our fans are turning into Chelski or Gooners glory hunters!!!
Well Muckraker me mate,yes it could have been better but having supported the boys since the 50s man & boy then I will tell you you ain’t got nothing to moan about.I see this as a trend to continue,over demanding fans,which me meself has never seen amongst Hammers fans.We always hoped but never demanded or expected.Meself I don’t like it the way some of our fans are changing.It’s for the worse from what I see.
lm with Canchaz on this one.
We had a once in a lifetime chance to break into the top 4 due to the inexplicable underperfomance of the “big” clubs. We may not get another chance any time soon as those clubs have already started recruiting the likes of Guardiola for next season. We had it easy this season and we have failed to make the best of it however much some of us will choose to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to see the truth.
To say that this season was an improvement from the last one is a massive understatement, but it still could have been so much better. Whilst the officials cost us loads of points, it didnt help that in the end we consistently played 2 left sided centrebacks, persisted in playing without a proper DM, and over relied on AC who has no pace and cant dribble.
The difference between us and Leicester was their centreback pairing, Kante at DM and Vardy. Antonio was also wasted at rightback.
This has been a top draw season for me.I have been entertained nearly every game.I don’t give a f©ck what the moaning basta®ds think.They have obviously forgotten the sh*te we had been watching up until now last season.What do they want,f©cking Fat Sham back?
Don’t know about you lads but when I think back to last May & this May I can’t even compare the two season throughout them.This has been one of the best seasons I have ever,I mean ever had supporting our boys.
I don’t know your point Canchaz if you were trying to compare this season with last.Maybe you wasn’t,I hope not because if you were then you are mad lol
I’m proud of to be a Hammer, wonderful team and super Slav, he gave us back our pride and our dignity.
Matt I feel the same.By the end of last season I was down meself but this season I have all you say back again.If fans want to moan about this season are they ever going to be happy supporting the Hammers.I don’t see it meself.If someone had told me we would only lose eight games out of thirty eight I would have thought they were mad men this time last year.Some fans want the moon,the stars & more.
Wouldn’t take any ****ing notice of Chaz,he is one of the most depressing Irons fans on sites.He spends his life looking for the next comet to hit earth if you ask me.
hahha… 😉
Lol Tyson,I do get that impression I have to say.I think WHTID is the ideal blog site for him.Can he have a nappie fitting for the start of next season.
As if to prove e point young Canchaz has shown exactly what I ment me friends. Canchaz me ol mucker if you can’t see any difference between this season & last then you & me are a world apart as Hammers fans.
So, once again we fail to get across the finish line and end another season with nothing for seventh or tenth both add up to nothing. This season was a golden opportunity (which Leicester took and we didn’t ) that will likely never come again for surely, Chelsea, Liverpool and MU are never going to have another season like this
Them buggers can moan all they want,they obviously ain’t got a clue this season was about more than a finishing spot.Meself I have loved this season & they way we have enjoyed having our club back.If they can’t see that Tyson me old friend that’s their problem.
If you want moaners & groaners go to Wetpants then Cpt.Jack.You can read all those pantomime dames whinging like ****ing babies! Even Canchaz has gone wet nappied with them.
Oh well me friends we will just have to be Man Utd fans next weekend.Still won’t stop me loving this season,me best for decades & all the old buggers who want to moan,groan & grumble won’t take me enjoyment away.
Cruise control.i hope a few missed chances won’t come back to haunt us.It’s a sad day for you boys.No more Wetpants match commentary from the experts for 3 months.I hope you can survive without their immense pool of football knowledge Lmao 🙂