
Sullivan ‘Eight figure signing within five days’


jack2Chairman of the West Ham youth supporters club Jack Sullivan has returned to twitter to tell us that West Ham will sign a £10m+ player within five days.

Sullivan Junior tweeted “Sorry I have been quiet but….we hope to announce a very large 8 figure deal within 5 days. I can’t tell you more at the moment.”

Could it be 7 goal & 17 assists Dimitri Payet valued between £12m and £14m by Marseille or maybe it is  the 17 goal machine Charlie Austin valued at £15m by QPR.

Who knows? and if 15 year Jack knows he is not telling us. I guess we will have to be patient for another five days then.

Meanwhile the club’s ITK is back today and appears to indicate Jack is talking about Payet.

The Boleyn Insider says “A lot of speculation continues to surround the possible arrival of highly rated winger Dimitri Payet from Marseille and that the Club have made a big money move to sign him.I can exclusively reveal that the Club hope to resolve a move for the France international one way or the other this week.”

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I am Season Ticket Holder in West stand lower at the London Stadium and before that, I used to stand in the Sir Trevor Brooking Lower Row R seat 159 in the Boleyn Ground and in the Eighties I stood on the terraces of the old South Bank. I am a presenter on the West Ham Podcast called Moore Than Just a Podcast A Blogger on West Ham Till I die a member of the West Ham Supporters Advisory Board (SAB), Founder of a Youtube channel called Mr West Ham Football at,

I am also the associate editor here at Claret and Hugh.

Life Long singer of bubbles! Come on you Irons!

Follow me at @Westhamfootball on twitter


  • Roman says:

    Just saw a picture on Mirror site of JOB back at training.I feel depressed again.

    • eriko says:

      Must be a blessing for the younger players motivation, thinking if THAT guy made it into the first team..

  • Spoonie Spoonlic says:

    Wow,Eriko got away with it lightly from the Rabid Dogs.Maybe you lot are finally fully reformed.Though i suspect it was hippo & the Sammerettes as you called them who made you really snarl 😀

    • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

      Grrrrr lol

      • Spoonie Spoonlic says:

        Lol,i dont think Eriko knows how lucky he was.If he had said that about two months ago all hell would have broken lose,haha

      • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

        Haha possibly true. Maybe more likely with a certain name in front of claret & blue army though,even if it was a wind up lol

  • essexclarets says:

    Jr must have been bored with his school homework or daddy took his Xbox away again.
    i hope that the club can announce we have signed Messi, Neyma & Ronaldo. Not going to happen but i hope we do…. lol 😀

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    Haha I might need the dough the country pile needs some work and as you well know Henley,grouse shooting and the polo season don’t pay for themselves old chap fwah fwah

  • eriko says:

    Sorry, but if you let a kid barely out of his diapers with integrity same as two flying chickens wind you up, saying “we might..”

    As if young Sully is ever going to shut it.

    • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

      I take it they have no integrity as well as an inability to fly these chickens lol
      Still it’s a first for chickens they can go into the C&H animal dictionary,most of them have the word sh!t attached though lol

  • stuck on 99 forever says:

    Lol,ok,after you collect the dough you can take us all up west…Actual on second thoughts thats pointless,we live there anyway 😀

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    I agree stuck,I’m hoping to win an eight figure sum in the next five days but can’t say too much more,I’ll update when I get further news from the lottery lol

  • stuck on 99 forever says:

    Well in that case it is even worse eriko.Just keep quiet if he aint got something more concrete to offer.Tweet when he has something worth tweeting.Not all this hope to,might,possibly crap 😉

  • eriko says:

    Now the headline here is saying young sully is actually claiming we WILL sign this player within five days.
    but his actual tweet says “we hope to announce within five days”.

    this time young sully ain’t the sinner 😉

  • justwhu says:

    This suggests we are unlikely to get both Austin and Payet. I would prefer Austin because the last time we bought a winger from France he was a sensation on YouTube, but a Julian Clary on the pitch.

  • essexclarets says:

    Maybe everyone is waiting for the merry-go-round to start. One move & then hang on until the music stops.

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    It would have to be Peterborough they’re all Posh fans lol

  • stuck on 99 forever says:

    Aint got a clue.Think all teams have a cross section of fans dont they.Not many posh westenders on here though for sure,lol 😉

  • eriko says:

    Bet You’re all chelski fans, haha 😉

    jokes aside.. what club is known for having most posh fans!?? Remember someone said Brighton once…

    realisticly thinking, I can only dream about having any of my questions seriously answered the next few weeks!!

  • stuck on 99 forever says:

    Jack needs to be Detwitterfied,if there is such a thing,lol,he is doing my head in 😉

  • Rads says:

    Oh dear,as a posh westender one does get frightfully annoyed by these tweets from young Jack 😉

    • el martillo says:

      Getting a bit overheated up there Rads, sorry you didn’t like my idiom. Commenting on comments made on a third party site doesn’t constitute bullying, but your suggestion that I go on twitter to give kids a hard time is a bit inappropriate. I have teenage children and am well aware of the sort of abuse they regularly give each other. They do love a hand held device don’t they … I’ve a feeling you do too.

      • Rads says:

        Actually i was just messing around about something said on another article,but thanks for your concern.But im fine honestly,i dont want you wasting time worry about me when you can be firing your pea shooter over the parapet at Jack.

      • Dangermouses Bros says:

        Seems that you are the one with one of your balls twisted over this El!!!.Who the **** as a grown man wants to give flack to a 15yr old kid anyway!!Be it third party or not!!

  • TysonM says:

    Hahaha,exactly what we were on about.We are still waiting for the signing from two weeks ago,ffs 😀

  • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

    I don’t think his tweets are going to improve the patience levels somehow lol

    • el martillo says:

      Is this another case of premature e-Jack-elation?
      They might know a lot about the top shelf publications but our esteemed owners know sod all about dealing with the rest of the press.
      Is little Jack’s maths any better than his English? Perhaps he means a five figure signing in eight days!

      • Give poor jack a break, if any of us were 15 again and our dad owned West Ham we would be doing the same thing. Personally I think it adds to the drama and entertainment value of the transfer window.

        • el martillo says:

          Poor Jack? Do me a favour.
          If his proclamations are really his and I’m not sure that I think they are, then he’s fair game. If you stick your head above the parapet you’ve got to be prepared to take the flack whatever age you are.

          • Rads says:

            Ffs,he is a 15yr old kid.Whats all this ‘sticking your head over the parapet’ crap.He is just a young lad.If you want to bully or attack a young lad go pop at him on twitter,i guess it will make you feel good

      • Quickdraw Slaven a party says:

        Haha if I was in Jacks shoes I’d be on a wind up all the time mind you my old man would’ve given me a clip round the earhole for it. For all the dramatics and statements made I find his the least bothering and they’re quite often near the mark at the time of writing,however others would be shouting PR disaster! Lol

        • At 15 you are supposed to break the rules and rebel against the system. I am not sure 15 year olds care about brand and PR. Jack is passionate about his club and his football as he should be

          • el martillo says:

            I’m not sure regurgitating information given to you by your old man constitutes breaking the rules and rebelling against the system Sean! Certainly wasn’t when I was 15.

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